Outdoor Scavenger Hunt for Children

If you’re looking for an activity to get you out of the house and exploring with your child then this Outdoor Scavenger Hunt is for you! 

Explore around your backyard, around your local park, or even through the window when you’re in the car by ticking off these items to find. 

We did this today with Miss 5 and it took us a while (always a good thing!) and we worked on so many skills together!

We developed language skills talking about what we were searching for.

We also worked on spatial awareness when I said things like ‘let’s look under the rocks to find an ant’ for example.

We hypothesised where to look for things – something wet might be near where the sprinkler was on last night.

We counted and worked on numbers when we tried to find as many GREEN things as we could.

This was such a fun way to spend our morning.

Click here to download the full copy. 

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