Educational toys – a wise gift for your child

Are you looking to buy toys for your children? One of the best toys you can get your child is educational toys. Educational toys are especially designed to help in the development of the child and are made so that children can develop new abilities. These include learning a language, visual comprehension and motor skills. Other educational toys include those that stimulate senses and exercise developing muscles.

Buying educational toys may seem challenging as it is quite difficult to purchase toys for infants. Finding a balance between a toy that educates and one that entertains is obviously a big challenge. You need to find something that is fun so that your child stays interested, as well as stimulates your child to think and learn. Also, you need to consider safety, functionality, durability before purchasing toys for your children. If you are looking to buy educational toys for your children, here are a few tips that will help:

The age of your childBabies that are less than six months old have limited motor skills, and love bright colours and noisy sounds. Buying rattles, colourful pictures, teething rings and soft blocks will help stimulate your baby. For babies between six and nine months, larger toys such as building blocks and stacking rings are ideal. Children who are one year old, will enjoy push and pull toys, stacking blocks and nesting cups. After a few months, these children will then enjoy playing with stuffed toys. Once the children have started speaking and drawing, they will be able to use electronic learning toys and puzzles, which will help in the child’s mental development.

Your child’s preferencesAlways consider what your child enjoys and finds appealing. If they seem to enjoy music, then look for beginning level instruments. Or if they show an aptitude for artwork, then look for paint and crayons. For kids who are active, getting sports oriented items may be advisable.

The durability of the toyMake sure you buy a toy that will be able to withstand rough treatment. Although toys manufactured by reputable makers may cost more, they will be able to last longer and be used by other children in the family too.

The safety of the toyToys that are made from small pieces may harm younger siblings of older children or even pets at home, so you may want to check labels for components and potential harmful materials, to ensure the safety of all members of the family.