Aussie Mum Blogs to Watch in 2021

I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of over the mindless scrolling of social media – BUT because I love reading and hearing about others, I still want my daily fix of things to read and think about. 

In 2021 I am making a mindful choice about the information I allow space in my mind and because of this, I have been on the hunt for some new parenting blogs. I know, I know, it’s a bit of a flash back to our MySpace days to think about blogs, but really, they are full of parenting gold (I mean absolute GOLD).

From relatable posts, to educational activities to try, recipes to devour and just ‘mum-life’ stuff, I have been lapping up the mummyblogger feeds over the past few weeks and wanted to share my favourite Aussie Mum Blogs for 2021.


With archives going back all the way to 2007 we just know you’re going to find something you love on Melbourne Based, Retro Mummy’s blog. She bakes, she knits, she keeps it real and shares so many relatable posts that have resonated with me (the realities of getting the kids to school on time? Yep, daily challenge here too!) For her to find time to blog while raising her 7 (yep, SEVEN) kids is awe-inspiring and I know you’ll love her posts like I do. 


Cheree from Queensland is my go-to for new recipes and lunch box ideas (the name of her Facebook group). The lunch box struggle is REAL and Oh So Busy Mum is my food inspo when I don’t know what on earth to make. Cheree shares travel tips and hacks, recipes (did we mention that already), home improvements and other mum life reads – keeping kids safe around water for example. Relatable and informative, for an oh so busy mum she shares wonderful posts. 



From travel to organisation, from recipes to mum hacks – this blog has it all. Maraya shares everything you could ever need to know as a mum. Our favourite reads have been the isolation tips (how to stay positive and connected during the crazy way life has been lately) and the recipes – did you see the Australia Day Pavlova Grazing Board?! How delish! A wonderful blog with fresh ideas regularly. 


Louise from More to Mum is open, honest and inspirational. Sharing about mindset and the exhausting pressure of mum life Louise has an incredible amount of information she provides to readers. How to manage to squeeze in self care, how to create balance and how to come to terms with many of the hurdles we face as parents, are just a few of the blogs I’ve enjoyed reading. This is a blog you’ll go back to over and over when life throws its curveballs at you. 



Christie, the teacher and mum of My Mum, The Teacher, has a huge range of amazing blogs aimed at education and classroom activities that can be adapted to do at home too. Its aimed at older children activities and teachers, but it’s full of wonderful ideas and you can even grab some great printables in her shop to help with home learning. 


Nicole has created the most comprehensive collection of articles about how to get organised (and stay sane) while juggling the parenting load. From meal planning to scheduling activities, routines to relationships and everything you could possibly imagine in between, this website is going to become one of your most visited pages – we know it! Nicole has created a beautiful, easy to read collection of everything you need to know from being a new, first time mum, through to managing life as the littles ones grow. 



Steph shares so much on her blog, Just Another Mummy Blog, that we adore. Her beauty and fashion articles are legit #inspo and her recipes are amazing, but for us, the top pick on her site is the Home & DIY section. It has everything from how to declutter to laundry organisation. Steph takes living a great, simple and gorgeous life and shares it with us all in this amazing blog, that we think is so much more than just another in the list. Plus, how gorgeous are her planners – check them out here!


Are there any blogs you adore that you would like to share with us? Comment below!

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